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Leópold Kristjánsson

I am a web-developer with a specialization in making bespoke websites and user-interfaces for applications. I have worked for clients in an array of fields such as energy, tourism, pharmaceuticals, media, banking, logistics and insurance. I currently work as VP Engineering Digital Strategy for PayAnalytics, where we have built an application that helps organizations conduct their own salary analysis and measure demographic discrepancies in pay.

I focus on design and usability for both end-users and content editors, semantic and well organized code and SEO. When possible I love to collaborate with designers, illustrators, photographers, copy-writers and other specialists. Tools and methodologies I like to work with include VueNuxtTypeScript, LessBEM, ChatGPT, Headless CMS-systems and hosting platforms like Netlify, NuxtHub, Vercel and Render. You can find me on a few social media platforms like X, Blue SkyMastodonInstagram, Threads, Unsplash and LinkedIn.